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Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Eviction Notice

From an e-newsletter from BuzzFlash:

See for a story on how two Democrats on the Hill are demanding that Bush obey the law. Only two?

Are we missing something? Isn't it kind of a minimal prerequisite for someone claiming to be President to obey the law and follow the Constitution.

Don't these President guys take an oath of office to do just that when they are sworn in?

Don't they swear to do so on a Bible?

Only two in Congress are demanding Bush obey the law? When did we stop being a Constitutional form of government.

Does this mean I can drive through red lights with impunity now?

Oh just evict and exile George and Dick already. Send them to the U.A.E. to live a life of well-oiled comfort.

And send them soon.

The nation won't survive much more of this law-breaking. And the earth's going through a melt down.

Do they even read the newspapers in D.C.?

Amen to that brother. Amen.