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Friday, October 24, 2008

Help the homeowners

I am not a homeowner. I spent so much of my life moving around and was never in one spot long enough to put down any kind of roots. But that doesn't mean I don't have sympathy for those who have found themselves at the brink of losing it all.

When the big mortgage/credit/greed crisis slapped the American public in the face what did the White House and Congress do? Borrowed a butt load of money to bail out the bastards that got us in this mess in the first place.

How about help for the mortgage owners? It ain't happening, as Mike Colpitts points out in this interview posted at

The federal government is absolutely not doing enough to help homeowners. So far more than 3 million families have lost their homes and our research indicates that 2011 another 3.4 million will also lose theirs.
This guy should know. He is a long-time real estate agent and editor of He adds this:

The federal government needs to so something to halt the huge surge of foreclosures. A good beginning is to freeze foreclosures to give them time to work out mortgages that are viable for homeowners.

Good common sense, but when did that ever matter in Washington?