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Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Colbert's The Man

If you didn't see Stephen Colbert at the White House Correspondent's Dinner on C-SPAN, you really missed out on history in the making. And if you don't watch The Colbert Report on Comedy Central, what good are you?

From a e-newsletter:
Stephen Colbert doesn't owe anyone an apology for telling the truth through the use of poised, barbed wit.

No, George W. Bush owes the nation an apology for lying, failure, arrogance, intolerance and greed.

The Washington press corps still thinks that they are working for Pravda under Soviet Rule or are Royal Court transcribers.

Bush is an American citizen -- and an adolescent, frat bot, rich kid who has betrayed our contempt.

The fact that he still has a shred of presidential credibility with the Washington correspondents is startling and frightening.

No matter how much Bush goofs up, lies, deceives, violates the Constitution, commits illegal acts, allows people to die and overall screws the average American, as he rewards war profiteers who are his campaign contributors, the D.C. press corps believes he should not be confronted with the truth or held accountable.

This is mindboggling.

Unless you understand that the reporters at the Washington Correspondents dinner were sitting with their editors and teleivison producers, who were sitting with the corporate owners of big media.

Reporters don't get fired in D.C. for, as Colbert noted, writing down what the White House says and uncritically posting it. They get fired or demoted for pointing out the truth of the Bush Administration.

You only get brownie points with the media corporations who rely on the Bush Administration to help them pass laws and implement regulations to increase their profits -- you only get Brownie points if you don't rock the boat and you treat the White House as if it really is the Royal Court.

In walks Stephen Colbert, an unlikely candidate to blow the whole corrupt relationship between the Washington media and the GOP wide open.

But in a short, incisive, waggish, bitterly sardonic presentation -- delivered with poise, confidence and swagger -- Colbert took the truth to power at the Washington Correspondents Dinnner on April 29.

He went from the "gut," as he proclaimed, straight to the gut of the fraud that is the Bush Administration, and the pandering "reporters" who serve as its transcriptionists.

BuzzFlash readers, in droves, nominated Stephen Colbert as the BuzzFlash "Wings of Justice Award" winner this week.

Never leaving character, he cranked up his material to a scathing exposure of the man sitting but a few feet away from him.

And then Colbert ended in a brilliant "gag" video that cried out the one question Bush never can answer honestly, "Why did we go to war with Iraq?" By the end of the video, co-starring the heroic and intrepid octogenarian journalist Helen Thomas, that unanswered question literally became a shriek in the ears of George W. Bush.

Brilliant, heroic, a moment of hope.