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Monday, July 03, 2006

There is no 'war on terror'

Found this gem buried in the comments sections at the Huffington Post by a guy who calls himself Lightning Rod:
There is no such thing as a 'war on terror.' It's a fiction, a brand name. It's a slogan. It isn't real. We are at war with nobody that has a country, an army or an objective. It is an excuse to spend your money and usurp your rights and privacy. The so-called 'war on terror' is just a political fiction, but it has become so much a part of our public vocabulary that we assume it is real. It's not real. It's a slogan. If anything it is a war OF terror and the threat of terror is being used as a political fear weapon. There is no war and there should be no 'war powers.'

The last paragraph of his comments is taken from a 2004 speech given by Bill Moyers to the Society of Professional Journalists. It's worth the time to read.